Градежни процедури, консалтинг, надзор и градежни дозволи

Connecta Construction Consulting Еxcellent construction Skopje

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Connecta Construction Consulting
0 (0 мислења) | НАПИШЕТЕ ПРЕГЛЕД
Улица Дебарца 72 1000, Скопје
Моментално отворено: 8-16h
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За компанијата

From the inception of our company, we set out with a clear goal: to provide unparalleled services in excellent constructing in Skopje, setting new benchmarks for quality and innovation.

Founded in May 2008 in Skopje, our company may be young, but our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in the field. 


Еxcellent construction Skopje

With a mission to provide superior services in construction and civil engineering, we are committed to improving the spaces we use, while fostering a more sustainable and humane environment.

Our company is dedicated to providing excellent construction , opening doors to those who strive to create better living conditions with minimal energy consumption.

We have almost all the necessary licenses in the construction sector, which ensures compliance with the highest standards, while at the same time striving for maximum energy savings.

From the very beginning, our goal has been clear: to provide unparalleled services in construction and civil engineering, setting new standards for quality and innovation.

Our commitment to excellence goes beyond words; it is grounded in everything we do.

From careful planning and contemporary design to precise realization, we leave nothing to chance in delivering projects of exceptional quality.

As we turn to the future, we remain firmly committed to innovation, sustainability and excellence. We are constantly pushing the boundaries to introduce new technologies, sustainable practices and innovative solutions that shape the future of our industry.

With every project we undertake, we strive to leave a lasting legacy of quality, integrity and environmental responsibility.


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