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Испрати барањеAtelier LARSON, founded in 2019 in Skopje, is a place where the art of drawing and painting, as well as various forms of creative expression, is nurtured.
Our studio is dedicated to the development of artistic abilities of all age groups, offering a variety of art services and courses for art lovers
Welcome to Atelier LARSON Skopje – a place where your art will come to life!
With love and dedication, in our Larson atelier we offer the opportunity for all art lovers to develop their artistic abilities and express their ideas through drawing and painting.
Services that we provide in our atelier:
Enhance your artistic skills and learn how to transfer your images from your mind to paper.
With the help of our expert instructors, you will discover new ways of creative expression and develop as an artist in a positive and inspiring atmosphere.
Our mission is to help you discover your inner creative abilities and express them through art.
Whether you are a beginner looking to learn new skills or an experienced artist looking to improve your skills, we provide individual approaches for everyone.
We at Atelier LARSON are here to inspire, guide and support you on your artistic journey. Start your creative adventure with us!
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Курсеви и индивидуални часови по англиски јазик - Драчево
Улица Киро Фетак 27Б, 1000 Скопје
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