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Испрати барањеDo you want to explore the beautiful Ohrid lake? We organize all kinds of boat trips around Ohrid. Experience the spirit of Ohrid and enjoy a beautiful tour around Ohrid's most famous landmarks. Join us on a cruise around Europe's oldest lake and have the experience of a lifetime.
We started organizing boat trips around Ohrid in 2002. Today, we have 2 boats:
Our main mission is to give you the full Ohrid experience, to help you get sense of the true beauty of the city. Lake Ohrid is one of the deepest lakes in Europe and it is also the oldest lake. It is of course a "must-see" destination, so is there a better way to experience it than by the best boat trip in the city?
Explore the breathtaking Monastery Saint Naum and "The Bay of Bones“ - the authentic reconstruction of the pile dwelling settlement. If you are a history buff or you just enjoy traveling, the beautiful city of Ohrid has something for everyone. We guarantee that after the trip you will get a glimpse of a wonderful culture and the memories of the beautiful landscapes, warm people and the quiet, blue lake will stay in your head long time after you leave Ohrid.
Besides boat trips, you can rent our boats for a private party.
Unveil the sheer magnificence of Ohrid Lake through the best boat trip in Ohrid. Our boat excursions have become synonymous with excellence, offering an unparalleled experience that sets us apart. We promise you a one-of-a-kind odyssey through the Ohrid Lake.
Our experienced guides are passionate about sharing the rich history and natural wonders of Ohrid. They provide captivating insights that enhance your journey.
Opting for the best boat trip in Ohrid promises a unique exploration of Ohrid Lake's natural and cultural treasures.
Prepare to uncover the secrets of Ohrid as our boat trip unveils lesser-known marvels. Traverse secluded coves, pristine beaches, and charming lakeside villages, each offering a unique glimpse into the region's natural beauty and culture.
Our boat trip is the best way to explore Ohrid. Every moment on our boat trip is an opportunity to savor the beauty of Ohrid.
We offer private charters, exclusively tailored to your desires. Whether it's an intimate getaway, a milestone celebration, or a corporate retreat, we can create a bespoke journey just for you.
If you are looking for a wonderful experience in Ohrid, come and visit us.
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Улица Фемо Кулаков 63, 1440 Неготино
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Улица Тренко Тасески , 6250 Кичево
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