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Испрати барањеIBBSA MACEDONIA is a company established in year 2011 in Kumanovo. The company is a corporate partner member of IBSSA and is a certified education center for bodyguards. We close protection training for both domestic and international participants .
IBBSA MACEDONIA organizes and conducts close-protection training in Kumanovo-Macedonia where the participants have the chance to learn everything needed to become a professional bodyguard or security agent. The course covers operational planning, teamwork, threat and risk assessment, surveillance and conflict management, use of weapons, searching and a lot more.
The skills learned at the courses are practical whether you pursue a career in the field or not, because the skills аre universal.
IBBSA MACEDONIA urges everyone who are interested to pursue a high paying and responsible career to contact us to learn more about the procedure, education and requirements needed by the participants.
We provide close protection training in multiple different arrears of the field including:
IBBSA MACEDONIA is known for its professionalism and its highly competent team of educators who will ensure that you feel confident in your skills after passing the course, and will make sure you are ready for the task at hand.
Доколку сте заинтересирани за производите или услугите на оваа компанија, оставете коментар и ќе ви биде одговорено во најкраток можен рок. Прашањата ќе бидат објавени ЈАВНО на огласот на кој ги пишувате. Телефонскиот број и адресата на е-пошта не се задолжителни информации. Оваа информација нема да биде јавно објавена. Со поднесување на барање, се согласувате со деловните услови, политиката за приватност и обработката на вашите податоци.
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Резервни делови за апарати за домаќинство Скопје
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