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Испрати барањеEstablished in 2022, DPGTU PUMPPAR DOOEL Gostivar has quickly gained recognition in the European market, boasting over 35 years of industry experience. As a prominent name in the manufacture of concrete pumps, truck mixers, and their associated spare parts, the company has solidified its reputation for excellence.
In a competitive industry, we differentiate ourselves through innovation and a customer-centric approach. We understand that our clients require not just products but solutions that drive their projects forward. Thus, we continuously invest in research and development, aiming to improve our offerings and adapt to the evolving needs of the market.
DPGTU PUMPPAR DOOEL also emphasizes the importance of strong relationships with our partners and clients. By fostering open communication and understanding their unique requirements, we ensure that we deliver products tailored to their specific applications.
As we move forward, our goal remains to expand our footprint in the concrete machinery sector, further enhancing our product lines and solidifying our status as a trusted manufacturer in the realm of concrete pumps and truck mixers. With a firm foundation built on years of experience, we are poised to meet the challenges of the future and continue serving our customers with top-quality solutions. Contact us for more informations.
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Квалитетни фасадни и кровни панели Скопје
Булевар Партизански одреди undefined, 1000 Скопје
Изградба на станбени и нестанбени згради Пехчево
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Квалитетни ПВЦ прозори и врати Скопје
Улица Рударска , 2304 Македонска Каменица
Професионално проектирање на архитектонски објекти Тетово
Булевар Илинденска 83, 1200 Тетово
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