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Испрати барањеPZU MAXIDENT-VRSHKOVSKI is a private clinic for dental implants located in Bitola, dental implants advanced in 3D dentistry and all kinds of dental services. Dental implants are a serious matter that is directly related to human health, so go to the best.
Bitola dental implants
The concept of a clean space in modern medicine represents a basic rule and standard for maximum increase of reliability during operative interventions and maximum success during implantation of dental implants in bitola.
In PZU - MAXIDENT there is a serious commitment to the prevention and control of infection, during every dental and surgical intervention, whereby all surgical interventions are performed in a separate operating room where the flow of people is limited, and thus the protection during the same is increased.
Blankets, coats and other disposable protective clothing are used, all the instruments are autoclaved and sterilized before and after each intervention, in special autoclaves that are regularly monitored and tested.
Each tooth consists of a crown and root. Implants are structures that are "implanted" in the jaw at the place where natural teeth are missing (for various reasons), in order to imitate natural teeth in the most appropriate way.
They are made of a metal called titanium, which is biocompatible with the human body. Implants are titanium screws that imitate the tooth root, respectively the tooth as a whole. They consist of three parts: a titanium root part, which is placed in the jawbone, an abutment which is screwed into the root part and imitates the tooth stump, and a crown which is screwed or cemented onto the abutment and imitates the tooth in the mouth.
The procedure of their placement is performed in an operating room, under local anesthesia, and the procedure itself takes almost the same time as tooth extraction and is 100% painless.
For implantation of dental implants or more information visit us in Bitola or contact us
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