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Испрати барањеIPROTEKS TEHNICKI TEKSTIL DOOEL is in the leading position on the market when it comes to Expertise for technical textiles in Macedonia. IPROTKS TEHNICKI TEKSTIL DOOEL was founded in 2014 and successfully meets the needs of the market. If textiles intended for technical and thermal protection are what you need, our company is all you need.
Our company is equipped with the most up-to-date equipment and tools as well as top experts in the field of technical textile production.
IPROTEKS TEHNICKI TEKSTIL DOOEL Ilinden, Skopje works only with the highest quality materials from prestigious brands from Italy and Germany.
In our assortment you can find quality insulation, protective covers and much more.
IPROTEKS TEHNICKI TEKSTIL DOOEL adheres to all safety and quality standards. In our company, we run it according to European principles, observing all standards.
From us you can expect professionalism, transparent communication and, of course, top quality.
Our goal is to be the best company offering technical textile expertise in the entire territory of Macedonia.
If you need technical and thermal protection of car components, contact us immediately.
Our goal is to exceed the expectations of our customers and that is why we work dedicatedly and try to create only the best product, and this is due to the fact that we possess the necessary expertise in the industry and the expertise needed to work with technical textiles.
Our commitment to quality and innovation differentiate us from the competition. Our headquarters is in Ilinden, Skopje, but we work for clients from all over Macedonia. We are open for cooperation with all legal and natural persons who need technical and thermal protection of car components.
We are always up to date with the industry and the ever-emerging needs of the market, and that is why we are the best choice for you and your needs.
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Најквалитетна изработка на женска облека по нарачка Охрид
Улица Св. Климент Охридски , 6000 Охрид
Најдобрата тортиља во Скопје
Улица Христо Татарчев 68, 1000 Кисела Вода
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