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Испрати барањеJUMBO COMPANY 93 is a well-established company in the Macedonian market with more than two decades of tradition. Founded in 2001 and based in Strumica, our company offers a wide selection of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, we export to countries such as Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and others.
Our products are abundant in vitamins and boast wonderful natural aromas. Our fruits and vegetables are fresh, organically grown, and bursting with natural flavor. We always strive to offer a wide selection of diverse fruits and vegetables.
Through our dedicated efforts and relentless pursuit of maximum customer satisfaction, we have positioned ourselves as one of the premier companies in Macedonia specializing in the distribution and export of fruits and vegetables.
Based in Strumica, our company not only provides a diverse range of fruits and vegetables within Macedonia but also exports to countries across the Balkans and Europe.
Our fruits and vegetables undergo thorough quality checks to ensure they meet the highest standards. In conducting our operations, we prioritize environmental sustainability, striving to minimize our ecological footprint at every step of the way.
JUMBO COMPANY 93 sets a prime example of a successful Macedonian enterprise through its thriving operations. Beyond its local impact, it serves as a beacon for Strumica's reputation, both within the nation and across Europe.
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Продажба на житни култури - Пробиштип
Улица Јордан Стојанов 18, 2210 Пробиштип
Житни култури, домашен млечен путер - Боговиње, Македонија
Улица 135 16, 1200 Тетово
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