Превоз на товар и стока, дистрибуција

BALEKS DOO Štip International road freight transport Štip

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0 (0 мислења) | НАПИШЕТЕ ПРЕГЛЕД
Ул. Брегалничка бр. 62 2000, Штип
Моментално отворено: 8-16h


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За компанијата

BALEKS DOO Štip is a proven company on the Macedonian market that deals with international road freight transport. We transport from Macedonia to EU countries such as Croatia, Slovenia and Italy and vice versa. We have a fleet of 29 freight motor vehicles with the Euro 6 standard.


International road freight transport - Štip

In 2002, our company started working with two trucks from the Iveco brand with the Euro standard Euro 2. With these trucks, our company works on the route Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy..

Today, our company owns 29 MAN and Mercedes trucks.

Our trucks are of EURO 5 and EURO 6 standard, with EURO 5 standard there are 4 and 23 trucks with EURO 6 standard. With these new vehicles we have the opportunity to be competitive on the markets in Europe and the opportunity to obtain as many CEMT permits as possible which will enable us to ship to and from 3rd countries.

Apart from international road freight transport, BALEKS DOO Štip also deals with the following activities:

  • truck service
  • tachograph laboratory
  • customs warehouse
  • customs terminal

We will continue to innovate and improve our work transport, all in order to be even better in international road freight transport and our other activities.

BALEKS DOO Štip - your reliable partner in international road freight transport.

International road freight transport

At BALEKS DOO Štip, we understand the importance of reliable and efficient freight transport services. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to your specific requirements. We offer premium international road freight transport services


As a responsible freight transport company, we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact. That's why we have invested in a fleet of vehicles that comply with the latest Euro 6 emission standards. By reducing our carbon footprint, we contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future for generations to come. Additionally, we continuously explore innovative technologies and practices to further improve our environmental performance.

Experience the difference with BALEKS DOO Štip. Whether you're transporting goods within Macedonia or across borders to EU countries, we have the expertise, resources, and dedication to meet your needs

Our international road freight transport services are of the highest quality. We have a lot of experience in this line of work and we are here to help you with everything connected with  international road freight transportation


Производи и услуги

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