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Испрати барањеWelcome to ANTICA-BISER DOOEL Ohrid, your destination for discovering the unique beauty of the Ohrid pearl and silver filigree jewelry. Established in 2011, our humble shop in the heart of Ohrid is dedicated to creating exquisite jewelry that combines tradition with contemporary artistry.
The Ohrid pearl, a renowned natural treasure of Macedonia, is one of the country’s most valued gems. At ANTICA-BISER, we have perfected the craft of working with this extraordinary pearl, creating unique and elegant pieces of jewelry that carry the spirit of Ohrid and our cultural heritage. From delicate silver filigree designs to jewelry featuring the original Ohrid pearl, we offer a rich and diverse collection that will captivate you.
We take pride in our handcrafted creations, available in our stores located in the most popular areas of Ohrid. Every visitor is invited to explore our beautiful collection of jewelry made from the authentic Ohrid pearl, carefully crafted with passion and skill. Whether you are a local or a tourist, we are excited to share our creations with you and introduce you to the charm of Ohrid’s treasured pearl.
The perfect souvenir, each piece of our jewelry embodies the beauty and traditions of Ohrid and Macedonia. We invite you to visit us, see the jewelry firsthand, and experience its unparalleled elegance.
For more information about our crafting process or to view our collection, feel free to call us or, better yet, stop by one of our stores. Our friendly staff will be happy to provide you with all the details and assist you in choosing the perfect piece of jewelry.
ANTICA-BISER OHRID – Original Ohrid pearl.
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Најснабдено тобако отворено 24h во Гевгелија
Изработка на тенди и настрешници Скопје
ул.200 бр.5, нас.Гоце Делчев, Скопје, Македонија, 1000 Скопје
Специјализирана продавница за лежишта Скопје
Улица Метрополит Теодосиј Гологанов 136, 1000 Скопје
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