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Испрати барањеBAKALESKI PROMET DOOEL is a company with tradition and good reputation, which through its activity - processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, represents Macedonia and its culinary culture in Europe. Our company was founded in 2016 with headquarters in the village of Slavej, Krivogashtani.
The BAKALESKI PROMET factory was established in 2016 and is located in the industrial zone in the village of Slavej, Krivogastani. The factory specializes in processing and canning of fruits and vegetables that originate from the fertile Pelagonia region. It has a wide assortment of products made according to traditional recipes from Macedonia.
It is equipped with state-of-the-art machines for processing and preserving vegetables. In a very short period we managed to conquer the markets in Europe and America with our high-quality products.
The factory has implemented the IFS system that guarantees the quality and safety of products.
Through our dedication to excellence in the processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, BAKALESKI PROMET DOOEL continues to uphold its reputation for quality and authenticity. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, we take pride in representing Macedonia's rich culinary heritage on the global stage, delivering high-quality products.
Our core activity revolves around the processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, through which we proudly showcase Macedonia's rich culinary culture to Europe and beyond. Established in 2016, our company is headquartered in the picturesque village of Slavej, nestled within the serene landscapes of Krivogashtani.
At BAKALESKI PROMET DOOEL, we are driven by a passion for excellence and a dedication to delivering products of the highest quality. Our team of skilled professionals ensures that each step of the production process meets rigorous standards, from sourcing to packaging.
As ambassadors of Macedonian culinary heritage, we take pride in exporting our products to European markets, where they are cherished for their superior taste and uncompromising quality. Whether it's our delectable jams, savory pickles, or flavorful canned vegetables, every product bearing the BAKALESKI PROMET DOOEL name is a testament to our commitment to excellence.
Our company specializes in the meticulous processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, ensuring that each product retains its natural flavor and nutritional value. With state-of-the-art facilities dedicated to the processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, we uphold the highest standards of quality and freshness in every product we deliver.
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Tрговија на големо со производи за домаќинство Македонија
Улица Разме Малески 39, 6330 Струга
Свежо и природно одгледано овошје и зеленчук Илинден
Улица 534 , 1000 Скопје
Најквалитетно производство на картонска амбалажа Велес
Улица Васа Кошулчева 46, 1400 Велес
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