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Испрати барањеLEOV COMPANY is a privately owned company from Veles, Macedonia, founded in 1984 with production of electrical appliances as its basic activity. Started as a family business, but today Leov Company has developed into one of the leading companies on the market.
At LEOV COMPANY, the production of electrical appliances stands as the cornerstone of our operations. With a steadfast commitment to innovation and quality, we have consistently delivered cutting-edge products that cater to the diverse needs of consumers. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Veles are equipped with advanced technology and adhere to stringent quality standards, ensuring that each product leaving our premises exceeds expectations.
As a responsible corporate citizen, LEOV COMPANY remains deeply rooted in the local community of Veles. We are committed to fostering economic growth and prosperity in the region, contributing to job creation and sustainable development initiatives.
LEOV COMPANY's legacy of excellence and leadership in the production of electrical appliances is deeply intertwined with the city of Veles, where our journey began. As we look towards the future, we remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering superior products, driving innovation, and making a positive impact on the community.
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Продажба и сервис на тонери и принтери Скопје
Улица Даме Груев 5, 1000 Скопје
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