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Испрати барањеVIVITECH DOOEL is a company engaged in the production of women's clothing.
It was founded in 2009 with headquarters in Gevgelija. If we talk about a company from Macedonia that produces quality women's clothing, there is no doubt that VIVITECH DOOEL must be mentioned.
VIVITECH DOOEL is the same as the first day, still working at full steam and tirelessly striving to create the most fashionable and best pieces.
VIVITECH DOOEL manufactures women's clothing that guarantees a modern look as well as comfort.
This company from Gevgelija uses quality repair materials, procured from companies from Macedonia and the Balkans. It has an excellent team of tailors and designers, who continuously see how to bring freshness and leave their mark in the world of women's clothing.
Through its successes, VIVITECH DOOEL represents a true representative of its community - Gevgelija. This company aspires to be one of the largest manufacturers of women's clothing in Macedonia and to sell its pieces throughout Europe.
When it comes to the production of women's clothing, hardly any other company in Macedonia can match the unique style and expertise of VIVITEC DOOEL.
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Професионални заварувачки услуги Битола
Улица Филип Втори Македонски , 7000 Битола
Производство на тапациран мебел на големо Струмица
ПЛАЧКОВИЦА бр.8, 2400 Струмица
Професионална монтажа на електро материјали во Македонија
Р1306 , 7524 Кривогаштани
Квалитетна изработка на уметнички слики и портрети, Скопје
Булевар Јане Сандански 11, 1000 Скопје
Оценете ја компанијата и напишете го вашето мислење за соработката.