Ресторани, бистроа, пицерии

Victor's Restaurant Rural tourism Bosilovo

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Victor's Restaurant
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Босилово 2400, Босилово
Моментално отворено: 12-24h


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За компанијата

Ethno restaurant Victor's Restaurant is dedicated to fostering rural tourism in Bosilovo while also creating a safe and welcoming environment for autistic children to socialize and play. Our establishment offers a unique blend of fresh air, ethnic ambiance, and a secure space for children to enjoy themselves.


Rural tourism - Bosilovo

Our aim is to promote rural tourism amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of Bosilovo. Nestled within stunning landscapes and a warm, welcoming atmosphere, Victor's Restaurant beckons those seeking serenity and the splendor of nature. Join us for an unforgettable experience

Our mission can be summed up in three words:

  • tradition
  • humanity
  • gastronomy

At Viktor's, indulge in exquisite cuisine prepared by seasoned culinary masters. With a menu designed to cater to every palate, even the most discerning gourmets will find satisfaction. From succulent barbecues to authentic Macedonian delicacies, Victor's Restaurant  presents a diverse selection to tantalize your taste buds

At Viktor's, we offer more than just exceptional food and ambiance; we provide a safe haven for children with autism to play and interact. Through a range of events and initiatives, we strive to promote equality and compassion. Our guiding motto, 'We are all the same, we all deserve joy!' reflects our commitment to fostering a world where everyone feels valued and included.

For enthusiasts of rural tourism, a visit to our restaurant in Bosilovo is a must. We assure you an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impression.

Victor's Restaurant - rural tourism in Bosilovo

Discover the charm of Bosilovo with a visit to Ethno restaurant Victor's Restaurant, where rustic charm meets inclusivity. As an advocate for rural tourism, we invite you to embark on a journey through the untouched beauty of Bosilovo while enjoying the warm hospitality of our establishment.


At Victor's Restaurant, we pride ourselves on creating a safe and inclusive environment for all, including autistic children. Our dedication to providing a welcoming space for socialization and play ensures that every guest feels valued and accepted.

Step into our restaurant in Bosilovo and be transported to a world of ethnic ambiance and traditional charm. From the moment you arrive, you'll be greeted by the scent of fresh air and the sounds of nature, setting the stage for a truly memorable dining experience.

Our menu showcases the best of Macedonian cuisine, with dishes crafted from locally sourced ingredients and traditional recipes passed down through generations.  In addition to our delicious food, Victor's Restaurant offers a range of activities and amenities to enhance your visit. 

But it's not just about food and fun – at Victor's Restaurant in , we're passionate about promoting rural tourism and preserving the natural beauty of Bosilovo. We at Victor's Restaurant want to show all the beauty that lies in rural tourism.


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