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Испрати барањеBrod Galeb is a company that started its business in 2005 in Ohrid. Its main activities include organizing tours on the beautiful Lake Ohrid with both small and large boats, hosting parties and team-building events, and renting rowboats to tourists.
Enjoy the magical holiday to the fullest in the beauty of Ohrid. Brod Galeb gives you the chance to do a tour of the lake on a ship and boat. We provide everything that will make the trip unforgettable. After you enjoy yourself in the hot sun while cruising down Lake Ohrid we recommend you to relax on one of the beaches.
If you are a larger group that likes to party- look no further, Brod Galeb will organize everything, all you need to do is come and enjoy.
It doesnt amtter if you are traveling alone, if you are a couple or a larger group, we have ship and boat that is ready to take anyone on an adventure, and if you prefer to do it in your own company, we have row boats available for rent.
We highly recommend you see our offer and allow yourself to enjoy the ship and boat to Saint Naum monastery or any of our other services.
Feel free to call us on the phone in case you need any information regarding our offers, we are available 24/7.
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