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Испрати барањеЗдраво! Hello! Bonjour! Hallo! Ciao! Hola!
My name is Irena Kacarski Kimova. I am a conference interpreter for Macedonian and English, translator and T&I consultant, and TOLK is my brand.
As a seasoned simultaneous interpreter for Macedonian and English with over 25 years of professional experience, I provide simultaneous, consecutive and whispered interpretation in various on-site settings (conferences, training, workshops, meetings), as well as remote simultaneous interpretation (RSI) on dedicated platforms (Zoom, Interactio, Ablify, Kudo and the like).
My language combinations are English to Macedonian, Macedonian to English and Serbian to Macedonian (Macedonian (A), English (B), Serbian (C)).
Simultaneous interpreter for Macedonian and English
You can also rely on me to arrange for other interpreters, in my language combinations and/or other, as many as you need for your event. Need translation too? A tailor-made solution for your interpreting and translation needs? No problem at all! Over the years I have developed a deep understanding of communications and the T&I industry, and have built up a network of trusted colleagues that I can employ to provide the best and most effective solution for your T@I needs.
I am also the Chairwoman of the Technical Committee 39 on Languages, Terminology, Translation, Interpretation and the Related Technology with the Macedonian Standardization Institute; founder and the first president of the Macedonian Association of Translators and Interpreters (MATA) and MATA WG Standards Coordinator.
Please visit my website, email me or give me a call to find out about the right T&I solution for your conference, workshop, event or meeting.
As a conference interpreter and consultant, I am looking forward to being your communications partner and helping you achieve your goals with my expertise.
Доколку сте заинтересирани за производите или услугите на оваа компанија, оставете коментар и ќе ви биде одговорено во најкраток можен рок. Прашањата ќе бидат објавени ЈАВНО на огласот на кој ги пишувате. Телефонскиот број и адресата на е-пошта не се задолжителни информации. Оваа информација нема да биде јавно објавена. Со поднесување на барање, се согласувате со деловните услови, политиката за приватност и обработката на вашите податоци.
Најквалитетно производство на картонска амбалажа Велес
Улица Васа Кошулчева 46, 1400 Велес
Апарати за домаќинство на мало и големо во Неготино
Улица Маршал Тито 154, 1440 Неготино
Свежо и природно одгледано овошје и зеленчук Илинден
Улица 534 , 1000 Скопје
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