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Испрати барањеLooking for hotels in Skopje? Our Hotel VILLA SILIA DOOEL offers you affordable accommodation. Hotel VILLA SILIA is located near the beautiful mountain Vodno, far from the city bustle. Our hotel has 4 comfortable rooms with private bathroom, heating, air conditioning, TV, and free Wi-Fi.
The hotel offers 4 comfortable rooms with parking for each room. It has 2 large balconies and a huge yard. All rooms are equipped with cable TV, air conditioning, wireless internet and telephone. The hotel offers organized transportation from the airport in Skopje and free transportation to the international train station and bus station in Skopje.
In addition to the above services, we also offer overnight stays with breakfast, of course upon prior agreement with the guests.
Unlike other hotels in Skopje, here you can find a peaceful and intimate atmosphere, which will allow you complete relaxation and absence from the hustle and bustle of the city.
If you are looking for hotels in Skopje and are looking for a hotel that is filled with peace, then contact us.
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Туристичка агенција Струга
Кеј 8-ми Ноември 17, 6330 Струга
Најдобар кетеринг и достава по нарачка во Велес
Улица Љубљанска 6, 1400 Велес
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