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Испрати барањеFor all wine lovers and those who enjoy tasting wines from different countries and experiencing the culture of a country through the irresistible taste of wine, Wine Counter is the perfect place in Skopje for you. Wine Counter offers a wide selection of varietal Macedonian and foreign wines.
In 2020, a team of expert enthusiasts and wine lovers opened Wine Counter, a specialized shop for varietal and renowned Macedonian and foreign wines, in the heart of Skopje.
Wine Counter offers an exceptionally wide assortment of varietal Macedonian and foreign wines. In this shop, you can find wines from all over the world.
For all those passionate wine lovers who find and understand the poetry that this drink carries with it, Wine Counter is a true paradise. We proudly own and run this space, and our boundless passion for everything related to wine is reflected in every aspect of our store. We select and offer only the highest quality wines, ensuring that every product is unique and delicious.
Our wines are selected with care and passion, with the aim of allowing you to explore the different aromas and flavors that wines from various parts of the world offer. Here, at Wine Counter Skopje, wine is not just a beverage; it is a story of culture and tradition.
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Највкусна скара во Скопје
Булевар Кузман Јосифовски Питу 17, 1000 Скопје
Сместување во реновирани апартмани - Еуротел, Струга
Езерски Лозја бб, 6330 Струга
Елитен ресторан со игротека, Куманово
ДОНЕ БОЖИНОВ бр.24, КУМАНОВО, 1300 Куманово
Традиционални македонски јадења - Гостивар
Кеј Вардар , 1230 Гостивар
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