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Испрати барањеChavkar Bitola specializes in producing traditional all types of lokum, renowned for its distinctive taste and high quality throughout Macedonia.
By adhering to a traditional recipe and using only tested, premium ingredients, you create a product that truly stands out!
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At Chavkar Bitola, we are deeply passionate about crafting this renowned Turkish delicacy.
Our homemade Turkish delight is the result of a time-honored recipe that has been passed down through generations.
While we stay true to the traditional foundation, we've introduced subtle, secret nuances that set our all types of lokum apart from others.
Every piece of our lokum is a genuine, handcrafted product where the dedication and craftsmanship we invest are evident with each bite. We believe it's our purpose to preserve the essence of traditional all types of lokum, not only in Macedonia but across the entire Balkan region.
We offer delivery across Macedonia and are always open to partnerships aimed at expanding the reach of our lokum throughout the Balkans.
If you're a connoisseur of this classic dessert, you won't find a more authentic Turkish delight than ours. We've maintained our unwavering commitment to quality, keeping the same impeccable taste for decades.
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Улица Ило Попадинец 1, 7500 Прилеп
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