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Испрати барањеMAKITEL DOOEL operates with its headquarters in Ohrid. Our main activity is the production of oil transformers and trafos. Our company is proud of its many years of experience in this field, providing high-quality products that meet the strictest standards.
MAKITEL DOOEL has many years of experience in the production of oil transformers.
Our oil transformers are designed to provide efficient and reliable voltage conversion, making them an ideal solution for a variety of industrial applications. We manufacture transformers and trafos with different capacities, adapted to the needs of our customers, with an emphasis on durability and safety.
In the production process, we use the latest technologies and materials, which guarantees high efficiency and reduction of losses.
Our products are subject to strict quality control, which ensures that each transformer meets all technical specifications and standards.
If you need production of oil transformers, MAKITEL DOOEL should be your choice.
Visit our office in Ohrid or contact us by phone.
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Производство на лимови Македонија
Улица 16-ТА Македонска бригада 18, 1047 Гази Баба
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