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Испрати барањеMAKITEL DOOEL was founded in 2007 with a factory in Novo Selo, near Ohrid. It is engaged in the sale of electrical, distribution and oil transformers, as well as trafos. MAKITEL DOOEL is a leader in its activity in Macedonia but also works outside of Macedonia, in EU countries.
MAKITEL DOOEL is a member of the Trafitalia Group, which was founded in 2006 with the aim of providing quality transformers and trafos to the international market. During it's existence, MAKITEL DOOEL has established itself as a leader in Macedonia for the sale of oil transformers.
Our factory is located near the village of Novo Selo, about 25 kilometers from Ohrid.
The highest quality standards are incorporated in all MAKITEL DOOEL does which includes: distribution, energy, oil transformers and trafos . Our company has received the ISO 9001:2008 certificate. MAKITEL DOOEL can boast a high reputation for its quality and reliability, and that makes us one of the better and more prestigious companies in Macedonia.
Quality and customer satisfaction is always our first priority. MAKITEL DOOEL is the undisputed market leader in Macedonia and we promise that we will continue to perform our activities in a quality and ethical manner.
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Производство на лимови Македонија
Улица 16-ТА Македонска бригада 18, 1047 Гази Баба
Декоративен камен, варовник, суров гипс, креда и шкрицли на големо, Македонија.
Ул.Моша Пијаде Бр.9, 6330 Струга
Хидроизолација и сите видови на подни облоги Македонија
Кривогаштани , 7524 Кривогаштани
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