Филмски и продукциски компании

REVOLUTION DOOEL Movie production and tv series Skopje

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Моментално отворено: 8-18h


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За компанијата

Revolution DOOEL is a film production and film making company founded in 2008. The company operates in Macedonia, the Balkans and in other non-European countries. The drive for art and film is what makes us the best. 

Movie production and TV series Skopje

With focus on delivering the more quality production and guided by the contemporary quality and work standards we offer the right expertise to anyone who has an original and elaborate idea.

Our company is driven by passionate employees with experience with previous projects working on Television shows, television commercials, film making, documentaries
as well as other projects such as creating 2d and 3d graphical solutions shorts and jingles and other publications.

We are currently working on two brand new features and are looking forward to many more, Revolution production has also worked co-produced with other international clients and would be happy to add more to the list.

The quality that our movie production offers is evident by the success of our previous films who have received awards in various film festivals: Montreal, Warsaw, London, Berlin to name a few.

For anyone who finds this interesting and also shares our passion for film making, do not miss this opportunity and contact us right away.

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