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Испрати барањеDo you need a company that deals with technical and thermal protection of car components in the territory of Macedonia? If the answer is yes, IPROTEKS TEHNICKI TEKSTIL DOOEL is what you are looking for. The company was founded in 2014 and maintains the primacy of market leader in Macedonia.
When it comes to technical and thermal protection of car components, we offer you the necessary expertise. We are equipped with the most modern tools and our employees are experienced professionals.
IPROTEKS TEHNICKI TEKSTIL DOOEL Ilinden, Skopje uses repromaterials from prestigious brands from Italy and Germany
We have a wide range of products and solutions, including insulation, protective covers and more.
IPROTEKS TEHNICKI TEKSTIL DOOEL adheres to all safety and quality standards. We run our company according to German principles, observing all European standards.
From us you can expect professionalism, transparent communication and, of course, top quality.
Our goal is to be the best company for technical and thermal protection of car components in Macedonia.
If you need technical and thermal protection of car components, contact us immediately.
We invest in state-of-the-art tools and techniques, which not only allows us to meet your thermal and technical protection needs, but also to exceed your expectations.
Our commitment to quality and innovation differentiate us from the competition. Our headquarters is in Ilinden, Skopje, but we work for clients from all over Macedonia. We are open for cooperation with everyone who needs technical and thermal protection for car components.
We are always up to date with the industry and the needs that constantly appear on the market and we assure you that we are the right choice when it comes to protection - thermal or technical.
Доколку сте заинтересирани за производите или услугите на оваа компанија, оставете коментар и ќе ви биде одговорено во најкраток можен рок. Прашањата ќе бидат објавени ЈАВНО на огласот на кој ги пишувате. Телефонскиот број и адресата на е-пошта не се задолжителни информации. Оваа информација нема да биде јавно објавена. Со поднесување на барање, се согласувате со деловните услови, политиката за приватност и обработката на вашите податоци.
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